Der neue Albulatunnel entsteht
Die aktuellsten Informationen rund um den Neubau des Albulatunnels für Sie zusammengefasst.
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For future generations
Die aktuellsten Informationen rund um den Neubau des Albulatunnels für Sie zusammengefasst.
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Our webcam offers all-round views of both the railway station at Preda and the north entrance of the Albula Tunnel.
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Find out here about the reasons behind the new construction work, how it is to be made compatible with our World Heritage status, and what the approach to safety looks like.
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This twelve-minute video provides the key information on the rebuilding of the Albula Tunnel.
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This section contains everything worth knowing about the completion deadlines facts and figures of the new Albula Tunnel.
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The construction of the original railway tunnel, which is now over 110 years old, required a massive human and technical effort.
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