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Fields of action
Our focus
The Rhaetian Railway has defined possible fields of action along the value added chain and assigned them to the sustainability topics. The three-pillar model of sustainability formed the basis of this, taking, as it does, economic, ecological and social aspects equally into consideration. A sustainability officer has been appointed for each field of action. The sustainability officer is tasked with the coordination and monitoring of developments and tasks in the relevant area.
In an initial step, the Rhaetian Railway is focussing on the two fields of action "Saving energy" and "Corporate health management". This should both promote employees' health and increase energy efficiency. Projects and campaigns in these two fields of action are being specifically promoted and monitored. The development of the other fields of action is being monitored to ensure fast reactions are possible whenever necessary.
Saving energy
The Rhaetian Railway can achieve the greatest effect in the energy field because the energy requirement is immense and is increasing due to the rising number of train kilometres as well as train equipment. Measures such as the automation of points heating systems, the optimisation of heating systems in buildings and energy-saving measures on vehicles are intended to lead to the Rhaetian Railway's entire energy requirement increasing at a disproportionately low rate in spite of an increasing number of train kilometres and a larger number of convenience functions in the trains. Alongside an increase in energy efficiency, the focus is on the use of renewable energy. Accordingly the Rhaetian Railway powers its properties and the electrically driven railcars entirely by hydroelectricity.
Corporate health management
The Rhaetian Railway wants to promote and sustain the health of its employees. Health is not only important for every individual employee. Together with other factors, it forms the basis of the quality of work and thus the success of the company. To coordinate all health-relevant activities, structures and processes, these were compiled to create a corporate health management system (Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM)). The BGM contains regulations on health and safety at work as well as information on the reintegration of employees who have been absent due to illness or an accident. The BGM also details the workplace health promotion policy.