Construction work
Maintenance and renewal
For operational reasons, construction work must be carried out at night. This section provides you with information on where and when noise disturbance can be expected.
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W wybranym przez Państwa języku nie są dostępne wszystkie treści. Czy chcieliby Państwo poznać cały świat Kolei Retyckiej? Zmień na angielski.
What’s new on the RhB
For operational reasons, construction work must be carried out at night. This section provides you with information on where and when noise disturbance can be expected.
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Discover here what's happening around the Rhaetian Railway.
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As part of the 175th anniversary celebrations of Swiss railways, Rhaetian Railway will be making an official attempt to operate the longest passenger train in the world on Saturday, 29 October 2022.
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