«RhB UNESCO» travel guide
A masterpiece presented clearly and concisely
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W wybranym przez Państwa języku nie są dostępne wszystkie treści. Czy chcieliby Państwo poznać cały świat Kolei Retyckiej? Zmień na angielski.
Perched on a 100-metre-high rock, the castle of Tarasp watches over the Lower Engadin. Its 1,000-year-old walls are reflected mysteriously in the waters of the lake below.
Within its walls, this landmark of the Lower Engadin houses former knights' halls and ballrooms, bed chambers and guest rooms as well as an ancient chapel. The castle's many rooms can only be visited as part of a guided tour.
Adults: CHF 15.00 (with guestcard Engadin/Scuol: CHF 13.00)
Children 7-15 years: CHF 8.00 (with guestcard Engadin/Scuol: CHF 6.00)
An application is not necessary. The tour starts in the castle courtyard.
More information about the castle.
Tickets can be purchased at the front desk of the museum.
Timetable information can be found here.