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Les contenus ne sont pas tous disponibles dans la langue choisie. Désirez-vous découvrir le monde de la Rhätische Bahn dans son ensemble? anglais

Bank and contact details

The key details at a glance

Suppliers will find listed below the main information regarding bank details and company-registration and VAT numbers, along with the RhB's general terms and conditions applying to the procurement of goods.

Bank details
PostFinance CHFPC70-39-7
IBANCH30 0900 0000 7000 0039 7
Graubündner KantonalbankIBAN (CHF)CH80 0077 4110 2605 3330 0
Graubündner KantonalbankIBAN (EUR)CH61 0077 4000 2605 3330 8
Miscellaneous details
Company registration no.CH-350.3.004.039-6
Fiscal ID no. (new)CHE-105.956.490
ZAZ account no.2191-6
EORI no.DE1818155
DUNS no.480002393
DUNS no. TIRANO517108945

Principal place of business
Rhätische Bahn AG
Bahnhofstrasse 25
7001 Chur
+41 81 288 61 00