Berufsbildungspartner login
Nächster Halt Lehrstelle
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Willst du die Berufe im öffentlichen Verkehr hautnah miterleben und selbst mit anpacken? Dann laden dich die RhB und login Berufsbildung zum Berufswahltag in Landquart ein. Am 9. April 2025 erfährst du von Ausbildner/innen und Lernenden, wie die Ausbildung funktioniert und was diese Lehrberufe besonders macht. Weitere Infos findest du auf der Berufswahltag-Seite von login.
The education of trainees is of great importance to the Rhaetian Railway. That is why it works with login, the transport sector’s professional partner for vocational education and training.
Although the trainees serve their apprenticeship with the Rhaetian Railway, they are actually employed by login. As a result, they benefit from a carefully structured education whilst also gaining access to professional expertise.
The Rhaetian Railway, in partnership with login, is the biggest vocational trainer in the canton of Graubünden. We are currently training over 100 young people in the canton in eleven different careers.
The Rhaetian Railway's eleven apprenticeship careers: | |
Plant engineer | Real estate fiduciary services clerk |
Automation engineer | Public transport clerk |
Public transport specialist | Design engineer |
Track layer | Logistician |
IT specialist | Mechanical engineer |
Public transport retail specialist |
You will find full details of the apprenticeship careers offered by the Rhaetian Railway at
Are you ready for a successful professional future with plenty of variety and lots of stimulating activities? Then apply today for a trial-apprenticeship programme with RhB!
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